Buzz Marketing: Creating a Wave of Interest in Your Company

Buzz marketing, in itself a subcategory of word-of-mouth marketing, focuses on creating excitement and stimulating conversation about a product, service, or brand. This will allow the people to generate interest and keep them in a volatile state of anticipation versus intrigue until they gain widespread recognition. With short attention spans and stiff competition in today’s digital age, buzz marketing could be an extremely effective tool in brand recognition and driving sales.

What is Buzz Marketing?
Buzz marketing, on the other hand, is a way of marketing wherein one will make potential customers pay attention to one’s brand or product through word-of-mouth conversations. The intent of this activity is to make sure that the product or campaign has to be so interesting, unique, or surprising that it would force people to talk about it.

This promotion often relies on unbelievable or unusual activities that may catch the attention of people. It could be in the form of a viral video, guerrilla marketing, influencer endorsement, or some controversial ads. Buzz marketing plays with human psychology, especially the need to know or to share information of interest or to be part of any trend.

Why is Buzz Marketing Effective?
There could be a number of reasons why buzz marketing could be so effective, especially in today’s hyper-connected world:

1. Real Word-of-Mouth
People will always be much more likely to act on suggestions from friends, family, or other influencers they like than on the ads themselves. Buzz marketing capitalizes on this by creating content or experiences that people will want to talk about, thereby creating word-of-mouth endorsements. The authentic buzz can really build brand credibility and trust.

2. High Engagement
Because buzz marketing typically involves unconventional tactics, it usually entails highly engaged audiences. Whether it’s a viral video or some form of surprise public stunt, people are more likely to engage with something new, unexpected, or emotionally resonating. This depth of engagement then increases the likelihood that your campaign will be shared across social media platforms, multiplying its reach.

3. Affordable
Buzz marketing can be much more budget-friendly than other forms of advertising. The keys here are creating viral, shareable content that will reduce a company’s actual spend for advertising far more. Instead of spending on huge media, the brand is leaning on people to share it organically.

4. Long-Lasting Impact
However, when a buzz marketing campaign is pulled off correctly, the impression can be one that lingers with consumers long after the initial buzz campaign has stopped. The impact may be one of a rampant viral video or memorable event leading to prolonged brand awareness and continued conversations of the brand weeks or even months in the eyes of the public.

Key Strategies in Buzz Marketing
The following are a few of the strategies that businesses can employ in creating word-of-mouth about their products or services. While every campaign is of a different nature, here are some common approaches to buzz marketing that have worked across various industries:

1. Create Content Worth Sharing
It is typically the funny, surprising, emotive, or thought-provoking content that gets quicker sharing. Buzz marketing is based on creating content that people would want to talk about and share with others. Be it a hilarious video, an emotionally touching story, or a controversial ad, the key here is to provoke strong emotions which compel people to share.

One of the most magnificent executions of buzz marketing is the Old Spice “The Man Your Man Could Smell Like” campaign. Strange and hilarious ads went viral, amassing huge brand awareness and a giant leap in sales.

2. Influencer Marketing
Influencers can make a critical contribution to generating word-of-mouth buzz about your brand. Partnering with social media personalities, celebrities, or industry leaders means you’re tapping into an already established audience-a network that’s already in place upon which you can draw to create hype for your product. Influencers can generate grassroots, organic buzz through posts, product giveaways, or participation in your marketing campaign.

For instance, when the cosmetic line Fenty Beauty was introduced some time ago, it collaborated with multiple bloggers and makeup artists. The reviews and tutorials carried out by such influencers created a buzz that amounted to sold-out products and worldwide publicity of the brand.

3. Employ Some Controversy
The controversy is a two-edged sword, but used judiciously, it creates the biggest buzz. Taking up highly controversial topics or producing pieces of highly controversial content, one kindles debates and discussions that help spread the word. The only thing is to be careful while using controversy-there’s a very narrow line between creating buzz and driving away potential customers.

Take Nike’s 2018 advertisement with NFL player Colin Kaepernick. It received extremely intense responses. People boycotted the brand, and others praised Nike because of the stand it had taken on social matters. This had a good amount of media attention and a number of conversations popping up worldwide, which in turn increased Nike’s brand awareness and sales.

4. Host Stunts or Events
A well-planned public stunt or event can garner attention and create buzz. Many of these types of campaigns go viral because such activity is an unforgettable experience that one would love to share. Be it a flash mob, an unexpected giveaway, or an audacious public display, a creative event will capture the imagination of participants and onlookers alike.

For example, Red Bull’s “Stratos” stunt-where Felix Baumgartner jumped from the edge of space-was among the most talked-about marketing stunts ever. This live-streamed event generated huge buzz and became an integral part of Red Bull’s brand identity.

5. Add User-Generated Content
Perhaps one of the more powerful ways to create buzz is to engage your audience to participate with your marketing efforts. User-Generated Content simply means that you ask your customer base, or in some cases your followers, to generate content about your brand or campaign. By having users create the content, engagement goes up, and immediate authenticity for your campaign is reached.

A perfect example is Coca-Cola’s “Share a Coke” campaign, wherein the brand replaced their iconic logo with people’s names on bottles. Consumers were encouraged to find bottles with their names, take photos, and share them on social media. This created a huge buzz and raised sales in searching for personalized bottles.

How to Measure Buzz Marketing Success
While buzz marketing may be hard to quantify, there’s a number of key metrics that can enable you to gauge how well your campaign is doing. These are as follows:

1. Social Media Engagement
The most critical metric, which defines the effectiveness of the buzz marketing campaign, is the social media engagement, such as likes, shares, comments, and the number of retweets. The more the number of these items regarding your content, the more proof that people talk about and share your campaign.

2. Mentions and Media Coverage
Increased media mentions, blog mentions, forum mentions, and news mentions usually indicate a successful buzz marketing campaign. Using media monitoring tools, track the frequency of your brand or campaign mentions online. If your campaign secures wide media coverage, then that’s just proof that you are doing something right in building buzz.

3. Website Traffic and Sales
In the end, buzz marketing should make more visitors come to your website and increase sales. You can monitor the amount of visitors to your site through website analytics as a result of your campaign. You can track conversion rates to see how well the buzz is turning into actual sales.

4. Brand Sentiment
It pays to monitor brand sentiment, especially if your buzz marketing campaign involves controversy. Monitor discussions using tools that will let you know whether people are talking positively or negatively about your brand.

Buzz marketing is the potent tool that produces high-level awareness, involvement, and sales. It is about creating excitement around the brand by developing creative and shareable content, leveraging influencers, or hosting memorable stunts to get people talking. A well-planned and executed buzz brings valuable addition to the marketing mix.