Cryptocurrency Trading

  Choices This guide is not intended to be a guide to trading, and if you want to trade cryptocurrencies, we assume that you are already a competent trader. If you do want to trade, by which we mean short-term speculation using a national currency as a base, your options are brokerage houses and online … Read more


  This is not an article about selling your bitcoin. Rather, we will be discussing profiteering or being an influencer in Bitcoin. At what point is it acceptable to make a profit for this type of work in Bitcoin? Not using the asset as a store of value, or as a currency like in El … Read more

Why banning financing for fossil fuel projects in Africa isn’t a climate solution

  Today’s global energy inequities are staggering. Video gamers in California consume more electricity than entire nations. The average Tanzanian used only one-sixth the electricity consumed by a typical American refrigerator in 2014. Globally, the top 10% of countries consume 20 times more energy than the bottom 10%. And 1.1 billion sub-Saharan Africans share the … Read more

Government targets emerging technologies with $1.9 billion, saying renewables can stand on own feet

  The government has unveiled a $1.9 billion package of investments in new and emerging energy and emission-reducing technologies, and reinforced its message that it is time to move on from assisting now commercially-viable renewables. The package will be controversial, given its planned broadening of the remit of the government’s clean energy investment vehicles, currently … Read more

4 strategies for a global breakthrough on energy and climate change

  Two important global events are coming up that are widely hoped to help address what the United Nations calls the “dual challenge” – fighting climate change and ensuring that poorer countries can develop sustainably. Energy is a central theme in both. For the first time in 40 years, the U.N. General Assembly is convening … Read more