Top 5 cryptocurrencies to watch this week: BTC, DOT, SAND, RUNE, ZEC | by heidi


Bitcoin (BTC) has been relatively calm during the weekend, indicating that traders are playing it safe and not waging large bets before the upcoming Federal Open Market Committee meeting on March 15 and March 16. The quantum of the rate hike could act as the next trigger for the crypto markets.

The current neutral setup of Bitcoin has kept the analysts guessing. Analytics resource material indicators warned that Bitcoin could plunge. However, they advised investors to be ready to buy the dip as they believe that the “bounce can change your life.”

A Price Waterhouse Coopers‘ Sports Outlook 2022 report for North America highlighted three use cases for nonfungible tokens, or NFTs, which could shape the future of sports. The consultancy believes that NFTs and digital assets are among the ten major trends in the sports industry.

Could the crypto markets start a directional move in the near term? Let’s study the charts of the top-five cryptocurrencies that may participate in a rally if the bullish sentiment picks up.